Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sexy Lower Back Tattoos

There are many different tattoo designs out there, but for women the lower back is by far the main choice. There are good reasons for this, first you can hide it, second they can be shown off rather easily, and third they can and often times are, very sexy. Now let me just say that there are many sexy tats out there that are not on a lower back. I saw one just the other day. A lady had a tat over the whole left side of her upper body, and it was very well done. But, we are here to talk about sexy lower back tattoos. There are so many designs that I could never tell you about all of them and I’m not even going to try. Instead I will tell you some of the things my friends and I see and our reaction to them. My goal is to help you find the right tattoo, and maybe give you a man’s eye view.